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Objeto lightingOutput |
Segundo a documentação do protocolo BACnet:
Defines a standardized object whose properties represent the externally visible characteristics of a lighting output and includes dedicated functionality specific to lighting control that would otherwise require explicit programming. The lighting output is analog in nature. The physical output level, or non-normalized range, is specified as the linearized percentage (0..100%) of the possible light output range with 0.0% being off, 1.0% being dimmest, and 100.0% being brightest. The actual range represents the subset of physical output levels defined by Min_Actual_Value and Max_Actual_Value (or 1.0 to 100.0% if these properties are not present). The normalized range is always 0.0 to 100.0% where 1.0% = bottom of the actual range and 100.0% = top of the actual range. All 0.0% to 100.0% properties of the Lighting Output object shall use the normalized range except for Min_Actual_Value and Max_Actual_Value. If Min_Actual_Value and Max_Actual_Value are not present, then the normalized and non-normalized ranges shall be the same.
Objetos do tipo lightingOutput possuem as seguintes propriedades: