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Objeto lifeSafetyZone |
Segundo a documentação do protocolo BACnet:
Defines a standardized object whose properties represent the externally visible characteristics associated with an arbitrary group of BACnet Life Safety Point and Life Safety Zone objects in fire, life safety and security applications. The condition of a Life Safety Zone object is represented by a mode and a state. Mode changes determine the object's inner logic and, consequently, influence the evaluation of the state. Typically, the operating mode would be under operator control. The state of the object represents the condition of the controller according to the logic internal to the device. The implementation of the logic applied to such controllers to determine the various possible states is a local matter. Typical applications of the Life Safety Zone object include fire zones, panel zones, detector lines, extinguishing controllers, remote transmission controllers, etc. Similar objects can be identified in security control panels.
Objetos do tipo lifeSafetyZone possuem as seguintes propriedades: