Configuring a Driver

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Configuring a Driver

After inserting this Driver in an application, users must open Driver's configuration window, as explained on topics E3 or Elipse Power or Elipse SCADA. With this configuration window open, follow these steps:

1.Configure communication's physical layer:

a.On the Setup tab, select a physical layer (Serial, Ethernet, Modem, or RAS) to use when connecting with a device.

b.Configure the selected physical layer on its corresponding tab (Serial, Ethernet, Modem, or RAS).

c.For more information about configuring a physical layer, please check topic Documentation of I/O Interfaces.

2.On the Modbus tab, select the protocol mode (RTU, ASCII, or TCP) used by the device. As a general rule, users must select RTU or ASC (for most devices it is RTU) for Serial or Modem physical layers, or TCP for Ethernet or RAS physical layers. The other options usually can be kept with their default configurations. For more information about all options on this tab, please check topic Modbus Tab.



For new applications, it is strongly recommended to avoid using ModbusRTU (RTU mode) encapsulated in an Ethernet TCP/IP layer. However, if by any reason, for legacy applications, users must use ModbusRTU encapsulated in TCP/IP, please do not forget to enable the Reconnect after Timeout option, described on topic Modbus Tab.


3.When creating applications for newer Elipse Software products, such as E3, Elipse Power, or Elipse OPC Server, users can use Tag configuration by Strings (Device and Item fields). If this is the case, please go to the next step of this guide.

4.If users still need to use the old numerical configuration (N/B parameters), used by Elipse SCADA, it is important to check the Operations tab. There are default operations already pre-configured on this Driver. Operations are configurations of functions and data formats that later are referenced by application's Tags. These default operations, already available when this Driver is loaded for the first time, are the most common ones. Evaluate all reading and writing functions and the data types used for each operation, and check which ones are needed for the application. If these pre-defined operations do not fit the application needs, users must edit them or even create new operations. If this is the case, please check topic Operations Tab. The next table lists all pre-defined operations.

Pre-defined operations




Data Type



3: Read Holding Registers

16: Write Multiple Registers


Reading and writing unsigned 16-bit integers


3: Read Holding Registers

16: Write Multiple Registers


Reading and writing unsigned 32-bit integers


3: Read Holding Registers

16: Write Multiple Registers


Reading and writing signed 16-bit integers


3: Read Holding Registers

16: Write Multiple Registers


Reading and writing signed 32-bit integers


3: Read Holding Registers

16: Write Multiple Registers


Reading 32-bit floating point values


3: Read Multiple Coils

15: Write Multiple Coils


Reading and writing bits


2: Read Discrete Inputs



Reading bits from a data block of Discrete Inputs



These default operations are configured assuming that a device complies with Modbus' default byte order, big endian, in which the most significant bytes come first. If a device does not comply with that standard, please check topic Operations Tab for more information about configuring operations for different byte orders.


For more information about configuring this Driver, please check topic Configuration.

The next step demonstrates how to configure I/O Tags based on pre-defined operations.

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