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The language that Elipse Water Studio uses in its scripts is VBScript, a subset of the Visual Basic language developed by Microsoft. VBScript contains a fast, light, and portable interpreter, developed for use on Internet browsers and other applications using ActiveX Controls, Automation Servers, and Java Applets.

As seen before, scripts are linked to events of an object. However, to facilitate and increase development speed, Elipse Water already incorporated some of the most common actions that can be performed with scripts, through wizards known as Picks. Users can therefore define that a given event either executes a script, a Pick, or a combination of both, in a sequence that is also pre-defined.

Each View in Elipse Water Studio displays at least two tabs on its lower side, Design and Scripts, except for Database and Alarm Server objects, which do not have a Design tab. Objects and their child objects can be manipulated on the Design tab. To manipulate their scripts, use the Scripts tab. The available options on the Scripts tab are described on the next table.

Available options for Scripts tab



List of Objects List of Objects

Selects the object whose script is manipulated

List of Events List of Events

Selects the event to apply to an object

Script Script

Adds scripts linked to the event

Pick Open Screen Pick Open Screen

Adds an Open Screen Pick

Pick Open Modal Screen Pick Open Modal Screen

Adds an Open Modal Screen Pick

Pick Run Application Pick Run Application

Adds a Run Application Pick

Pick Load Value Pick Load Value

Adds a Load Value Pick

Pick Toggle Value Pick Toggle Value

Adds a Toggle Value Pick

Pick Print Report Pick Print Report

Adds a Print Report Pick

Remove selected script or Pick Remove selected script or Pick

Removes the selected script or Pick from the Actions List

Move selected script or Pick up Move selected script or Pick up

Moves the selected action up, in the sort order of the Actions List for the event

Move selected script or Pick down Move selected script or Pick down

Moves the selected action down, in the sort order of the Actions List for the event

AppBrowser AppBrowser

Opens the AppBrowser window

Find Find

Finds occurrences of a given text

Find previous Find previous

Selects the previous text occurrence in the results list

Find next Find next

Selects the next text occurrence in the results list

Replace Replace

Replaces the occurrences in the results list by another specified text

Compile selected script Compile selected script

Compiles the selected script, and shows its errors on the Messages panel

Compile all scripts from this event Compile all scripts

Compiles all scripts linked to an event

Compile all events from this object Compile all events

Compiles all events linked to an object


The execution order of actions is top-down. To change this order, use the Move selected script or Pick up Move selected script or Pick up and Move selected script or Pick down Move selected script or Pick down options. Use the Compile selected script Compile selected script option to verify errors in the specified script for the event. The compiler's error messages are displayed on the Messages panel, which can appear as a floating window or docked on the lower or upper side of the Scripts tab. Double-click the error to select it in the script.

Compiler messages

Compiler messages

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