Command Prompt Options

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Command Prompt Options

Elipse Event Log Collector can be used on a Command Prompt. The usage format of the program is described next.

eelogcollector.exe [- | /][command | function] <arguments>


The available options for the command parameter are described on the next table.



Some of the next commands must be executed with elevated privileges, by using the Run as Administrator option on Elipse Event Log Collector's contextual menu.


Available options for the command parameter



? or help

Displays a dialog box with a help text about all Command Prompt options


Opens Elipse Event Log Collector window normally


Links files with an .etl extension to Elipse Event Log Collector, so that these files can be opened in Windows Explorer by double-clicking them. NOTE: This command must be executed as Administrator


Removes an Elipse Event Log Collector link to files with an .etl extension. NOTE: This command must be executed as Administrator


Starts collecting logs by showing a graphical interface, but without error messages at the end of the process


Starts collecting logs without showing a graphical interface and without showing error messages at the end of the process


Prevents opening several instances of the same process in which Elipse Event Log Collector is executing


Opens Windows Explorer on the folder where the generated files were saved


When using the ? or help command on the Command Prompt of Elipse Event Log Collector, the window on the next figure is displayed.

Help window of Elipse Event Log Collector's Command Prompt

Help window of Elipse Event Log Collector's Command Prompt

The available options for the function parameter are described on the next table.

Available options for the function parameter




Collects all opened log sessions, if available. NOTE: This function cannot be used with the logs function

logs <arguments>

Collects all log files on the specified folder. If this folder is omitted, collects files from the folder specified in the Storage Settings option. Please check table Available options for the arguments of the logs function for more information about the arguments of this function. NOTE: This function cannot be used with the sessions function

mailto <arguments>

Sends an e-mail with the collected file using the default e-mail client, if available and configured for the logged-in user. Please check table Available options for the arguments of the mailto function for more information about the arguments of this function



Using a Command Prompt only with the sessions parameter or with the logs parameters, without arguments, implies in the following behavior:

The destination folder of the collect file is the current user's downloads

Starts collecting logs without showing error messages at the end, which is equivalent to the -q option

Opens the destination folder after collecting, which is equivalent to the -sif option


The available options for the arguments of the logs function are described on the next table.

Available options for the arguments of the logs function




Includes log files recursively

c <dd/MM/yyyy>

Only includes log files whose creation date is greater than the specified date

e <extension>

Only includes log files with the specified file extension

d <directory>

Specifies an output folder for the collected file. This folder is created if it does not exist


The available options for the arguments of the mailto function are described on the next table.

Available options for the arguments of the mailto function




E-mail address for sending the collected file


Message subject


Message text


Full path of the collected file

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