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Reports Tab |
Reports tab
The available options on this tab are described on the next table.
Available options on the Reports tab
Option |
Description |
Prefer Buffered Report Control Blocks (uses Unbuffered if not available) |
IEC 61850 protocol uses Report objects to notify client applications about changes on data. Reported data are defined by users in a DataSet. Each Report can only be linked to a single DataSet and a device can have several Reports and DataSets. Please check section Prefer Buffered Report Control Blocks for more information about this option |
When a Tag is not found in any Report, this option allows performing a cyclical reading (polling) of this Tag according to its scan rate. Remember that this method is not the most indicated nor the most efficient, because it may be subject to slow data updates and loss of fast events |
Force Tag Polling Individually using N1 Parameter |
A polling request for specific variables can be defined with a value different from 0 (zero) in the N1 parameter if this option is configured |
Check Report Revision Mismatch |
Instructs this Driver to check the version of Reports when starting communication. In case these versions are incompatible, an update of cache (LD) files is then performed |
User Defined Report List |
If users do not want this Driver to perform an automatic search for Reports, they can define a list of Reports that must be enabled. Please check section User-Defined Report List for more information about this option |
RW Report List File (.RPT) |
Indicates whether the list of Reports defined in the previous item must be saved to a file, so that the example script of section User-Defined Report List is not needed. Writing to this file can be performed automatically by writing to the Tag or by directly editing that file, which must be on the default directory of cache (LD) files and must have the name of the IED and an .rpt extension. Only one IED is allowed per file. Please check section Format of RPT Files for more information |
User Defined Datasets |
When using a pre-defined list of Reports, users can inform whether DataSets are declared dynamically by this Driver. Please check section User-Defined Datasets for more information about this option. It is advisable to create a configuration script on this Driver's AfterStart event |
RW DataSet List File (.CDS) |
Indicates whether the list of DataSets defined in the previous item must be saved to a file, so that the execution of the example script on section User Defined Datasets is not needed. Writing to this file can be performed automatically based on the previous examples or by directly editing that file, which must be on the default directory of cache (LD) files and must have the name of the IED and a .cds extension. Only one IED is allowed per file. For more information, please check section Format of CDS Files |
Check BRCB Entry ID |
By using this option, users inform that when enabling a Buffered Report (BRCB), they must configure the EntryID parameter that contains a unique identifier for each Report message processed. So, this option allows restarting an application, or when there is a switch-over of a redundant application, that the Report sends only messages not yet processed. When selecting this option, the application must keep synced the EntryID parameters of each Buffered Report in use and also perform writings during this Driver's initialization, informing the last received value. For more information, please check topic Using EntryID |
Indicates whether EntryID values exposed in the previous item must be saved to a file, so that users do not need to execute scripts to retrieve or inform a field's value during initialization. These files are saved to the default directory of cache (LD) files and must have the name of the IED and an .eid extension. Only one IED is allowed per file. For more information, please check topic Using EID Files |
This option was deprecated and must be replaced by EntryID |
Wait for Gtw Ref on Startup |
Enables the automatic Report EntryID for Gateway Applications. Please check the topic Gateway Configuration. |
Copy All Values Before Reporting |
If the DataSet linked to a Report contains objects with quality and timestamp after the corresponding properties, this option can be selected to avoid a notification of value to an application happens without the correct update of quality and timestamp |
Auto Integrity Rpt (s) |
If the informed value is different from 0 (zero), this Driver informs this value when enabling a Report as the interval that an unsolicited general interrogation (GI) message is generated by the device |
Use Exclusive URCBs |
Defines if, when enabling an Unbuffered Report (URCB), this Driver is set to exclusive mode (the Reserved property configured to one) or not (the Reserved property configured to zero). A URCB enabled in exclusive mode cannot be used by other clients |
Use Quality Change Trigger |
Indicates an option of trigger by change of quality that must be used by default, when users are not using a fixed list of Reports or if the TrgOps option was not informed |
Reports can have two types, Buffered and Unbuffered. Buffered means that all changes on the DataSet elements during a disconnection are stored on buffers, so that a client application receives a notification about all those changes, as long as there is sufficient space in memory on the device and the settings are correct. This type of Report is used mainly for SOE (Sequencing of Events) data types. Unbuffered Reports, on the other hand, only store the last value. Both Reports can be configured to send events spontaneously, at cyclical intervals or wait for a client application to explicitly request, by polling or general interrogation (GI), data from that Report. However, users must notice the following situations:
•If two client application, such as two E3 or Elipse Power applications, are connected to a device, only one of those applications can connect to each Buffered Report. This is due to the fact that, when sending data, it is deleted from the Report's internal buffer.
•Two or more client applications can connect to the same Unbuffered Report, in case they are not using the exclusive usage option.
This way, the Prefer Buffered Report Control Blocks option instructs this Driver, whenever a Tag enters a communication process (enter in advise or in scan), to search among all Buffered Reports of a device if the specified Tag belongs to the respective DataSet of each Report.
If not found, then the Report is enabled by this Driver, if not yet, and starts receiving change notifications. Otherwise, this Driver starts to repeat the same search process, now on Unbuffered Reports for the same Tag. If found, the Report is enabled, if not yet. If the answer is negative again, the Tag can communicate in polling mode if the Poll Tags not found in any Report is enabled.
If the Prefer Buffered Report Control Blocks option is disabled, this Driver repeats the previous procedure, but directly searching for Unbuffered Reports and discarding the search for Buffered Reports.
•TagName: UserReportList
•Device: ServerName
•Item: UserDefinedReportList
Sub DRV_61850_AfterStart()
'The next script creates an array
'containing the configuration of a Logical Device and its corresponding Report,
'which are activated when writing to the UserReportList Tag.
'Notice that this is a two-position array.
'If users need to activate more Reports,
'configure the size of that array
Dim arr(1)
arr(0) = Array("LogicalDeviceName", "LLN0$BR$brcbEV101")
arr(1) = Array("LogicalDeviceName", "LLN0$BR$brcbEV102")
Set Cmd = Application.GetObject("DriverName.IEDName.UserReportList")
End Sub
When selecting the User Defined Report List option, this Driver only finishes the initialization process after receiving a writing to the UserReportList Tag. |
LogicalDeviceN; Number_Of_Reports
ReportName; ReportOption1:ReportOption1Value; ReportOptionN:ReportOptionNValue
Available options for the RPT file format
Parameter |
Description |
Number_Of_LogicalDevices |
Total number of Logical Devices in this file |
LogicalDeviceN;Number_Of_Reports |
For each Logical Device, insert a name and how many Reports are used |
ReportName |
Right after the name of each Logical Device, follows a list with the Reports used and optional fields |
ReportOption;ReportValue |
The table Optional fields contains optional fields allowed in an RPT file |
Field |
Description |
DatSet:DataSetName |
Name of a DataSet that must be linked to the Report |
TrgOps:Options |
Trigger options for the Report. The Options value corresponds to a mask of six bits with the values 0: Not used, 1: DataChange, 2: Quality Change, 3: Data Update, 4: Integrity, and 5: GI (General Interrogation) |
IntgPd:Period |
Period, in milliseconds, for integrity |
BufTm:Value |
Timing period to wait for new events before sending, after the notification of the first event to send, in milliseconds |
Resv:Value |
Use of URCB in exclusive mode. Possible values are 0 (zero) or 1 (one) |
ResvTms:Value |
Time to wait for a disconnection so that BRCB is reserved for the same client connected previously |
PurgeBuf:Options |
Deletes the buffer of messages. Possible values are 0: Not Set (do nothing), 1: Set Always, or 2: Set if EntryID Write Fails |
RptID:RptName |
Identifier of a Report |
OptFlds:Options |
Optional fields for a Report message. The Options value corresponds to a mask of 10 bits with the values 0: Reserved, 1: SequenceNumber*, 2: ReportTimeStamp*, 3: ReasonForInclusion*, 4: DataSetName**, 5: DataReference, 6: BufferOverflow*, 7: EntryID*, 8: ConfRevision*, and 9: Segmentation. NOTE: Fields marked with * are used by default when the OptFields field is not specified. The DataSetName fields is mandatory and all other parameters are fixed and cannot be changed |
Example of an RPT file:
•TagName: DeclareDSList
•Device: ServerName
•Item: DeclareClientDSList
Users must inform an array of descriptors, each descriptor containing an array with three elements, the name of the Logical Device, the name of the DataSet (add an @ character at the beginning of this name if volatile) and a unique index for each DataSet.
Dim arr
arr = Array("LogicalDeviceName", "DataSetName", 1)
Set Cmd = Application.GetObject("DriverName.IEDName.DeclareDSList")
•TagName: PopulateDSList
•Device: ServerName
•Item: PopulateClientDSList
Users must inform an array, and each item must contain an array with two elements, DataSet's index and the name of the LN/DO/DA in the format "LogicalDevice\LN$DO$DA".
Dim arr(4)
arr(0) = Array(1, "LDName\GGIO1$ST$stval")
arr(1) = Array(1, "LDName\GGIO2$ST$stval")
arr(2) = Array(1, "LDName\GGIO3$ST$stval")
arr(3) = Array(1, "LDName\GGIO4$ST$stval")
arr(4) = Array(1, "LDName\GGIO5$ST$stval")
Set Cmd = Application.GetObject("DriverName.IEDName.PopulateDSList")
LogicalDeviceN; Number_Of_DataSets
DataSetName; NumberofMembers
Example of a CDS file: