About this website

Detailed information about the content of this website

The ELIPSE DOCS website concentrates all documents for Elipse Software products, such as Elipse E3, Elipse Power, and Elipse Plant Manager. To do so, click a product on the initial page. For each product there is a list with all documents available for viewing, separated by version.

This website was developed using Jekyll, a tool to generate static websites, and the main theme was based on the ZeroFour theme by HTML5 UP!. Images depicting the products were taken from Unsplash, a website that contains freely usable images, and the icons are from Font Awesome, a very popular icon library.

The next section, Release Notes, lists the main changes and improvements implemented on this website. If you want to suggest improvements or report errors on this website's structure, please contact Elipse Software's support team or fill in the form on Contact page.

Release Notes

All updates and improvements performed on this website

Version 1.0.1 (Last update on 03/07/2024)

New Features
  • Added information about Product Version Life Cycle (PVLC) on the area of available documents for Elipse E3 and Elipse Power.
  • Added responsive versions of the images of products on the main page.
  • Improved the HTTP 404 error page (page not found) of this website.
  • Added several icons, or favicons, to identify this website on computers and mobile devices.
  • Added colors for light and dark themes of the user interface on mobile devices.
  • Changed the way recent and old versions of products are indicated. Now, instead of a tooltip near the version number, there is a text right below it indicating whether a version is the most recent or an old one.
  • Added a page with information about the website's privacy policy.
  • Updated the menu bar with links to the website's main pages.
  • Now all links to the most recent documents of a product contain an initial fixed path, instead of containing the most recent version number of that product. For example, the link to the most recent documents of Elipse E3 always keeps the initial format https://docs.elipse.com.br/documents/en-us/e3/latest/.
  • Added a contact form on the Contact page.
  • Added a feedback form for website's main pages.
  • Added icons to other products, to website's home, and to Elipse Software's website on the options bar of documents.
  • Removed the link to the hierarchy of topics, or breadcrumbs, on the header of topics on documentation and also removed the links that allowed to go to the previous and next topics and to the parent topic. Now navigation is performed only via topic tree.
  • Now links to documents for each product do not open on a separate tab.
Fixed Bugs
  • Fixed a situation in which the options on the feedback form may become unavailable.
  • Fixed the links to documents of products, which in some cases may become unavailable.
  • Fixed the lack of an icon to return to the list of topics of a document when viewing on mobile devices.
  • Fixed the footers of website pages that displayed Elipse Software social network icons as a vertical list instead of a horizontal list in portrait mode on mobile devices.