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This object is used to connect two or more Screen objects by using a line. Screen objects that can be connected are Arc, Curved Polygon, Ellipse, Freehand, Polygon, Rectangle, and Round Rectangle. When clicking the Connector Connector option on the toolbar of a Screen, the objects previously cited display their Connection Points, as in the next figure.

Connection Points of Screen objects

Connection Points of Screen objects

To connect two objects, click one of the Connection Points of the first object and then click one of the Connection Points of the second one. When moving the mouse pointer over a Connection Point, its icon changes from Connector Point to Connector Point selected , indicating which Point must be connected.

After creating a Connector, users can also disconnect its vertexes. To do so, drag the vertex away from the object's Connection Point. To reconnect it, drag it near to a Connection Point until its icon changes to Connector Point selected.

To create a connection among two or more Connection Points, keep the CTRL key pressed while selecting all Points.

To exclude a Connector, select it and press the DELETE key. If an object with a Connector is excluded, the Connector is not excluded.

For information about Connectors inside XControls, please check the next topic.

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