Screen Objects

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Screen Objects

The following objects can be inserted on a Screen:

Primitives from the Graphic Editor (Lines, Circles, Rectangles, Polygons, etc.)

ActiveX controls supplied by Elipse Software (E3Alarm, E3Browser, E3Chart, and E3Playback)

ActiveX controls supplied by a third-party

Non-vectorial images (BMP, JPG, GIF files, etc.)

Vectorial images (WMF, EMF files, etc.)

Default Windows controls (List, Combo Box, Scroll bar, etc.)

ElipseX objects composed by any of the previous objects

Viewer Folders, Queries, Counter, Demo, Internal, and Timer Tags


The primitives from the graphic editor available in Elipse Power Studio are listed on the next topics. They can be freely rotated or resized, except for the Picture object. After creation, each object remains selected to edit its properties, if needed.

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