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The Groups tab allows configuring information about groups. Each group defines a certain number of features, which are shared by all its members. A group can also belong to other groups. It is not allowed, however, belonging to a group that already belongs to it, that is, creating a circular reference.

To use this feature, click the File - Users menu and then select the Groups tab.

Groups tab

Groups tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options for Groups tab




Indicates the current group


Creates a new group


Edits properties of the selected group


Removes the selected group

Available groups

Shows all available groups in an application

Belongs to

Shows all groups to which the selected group belongs


Adds groups from the Available groups list to the Belongs to list


Removes groups from the Belongs to list


When clicking New, the window on the next figure is displayed, allowing to select the kind of group to create.

Group Kind window

Group Kind window

The Windows Group option allows selecting a group of users already existent on a Windows domain, so that users already registered can log in an application. The window on the next figure is displayed.

Edit Windows Group window

Edit Windows Group window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Edit Windows Group window



Group name

Type the name of a group on a Windows domain, in the format DOMAIN\GROUP


Opens the Find Windows Groups window, described next

Members not registered in Elipse Power

List with all users from the Windows domain group still not registered in Elipse Power

Members registered in Elipse Power

List with all users from the Windows domain group already registered in Elipse Power


Moves the selected user on the Members not registered in Elipse Power list to the Members registered in Elipse Power list


Forces an update on information about the users of the Windows group indicated in the Group name option and fills the Members not registered in Elipse Power and Members registered in Elipse Power lists with the respective users of that group


Moves the selected user on the Members registered in Elipse Power list to the Members not registered in Elipse Power list


When clicking Find, the window on the next figure is opened.

Find Windows Groups window

Find Windows Groups window

On this window, type the name of a Windows domain in the Domain name field and click Find to perform a search. On the list of groups found on that domain, select a group and click OK to add that group to the Group name option of the Edit Windows Group window.

The Elipse Power Group option opens the window on the next figure.

Add Group window

Add Group window

The available options on this dialog box are described on the next table.



The Inherited value in the available options of this window indicates that the value of that option is inherited from the group to which that group belongs or from the system.


Available options for the Add Group window



Group name

Establishes a name for this group

Disallow password change

Indicates that a user of this group cannot change their password. This change can only be performed by an administrator

Allow changing expired password

Allows a user of this group to immediately change their expired password

Password expiration

Indicates whether the password of a user of this group has an expiration time. Before this time is over, a dialog box is displayed indicating how many days are left for expiration and offering an option to change the password. After that period, the password expires and must be changed. Defining this value as 0 (zero) allows this user's password to expire at the end of the current day. NOTE: If this option is enabled, configure in the Days to expire item a time period for this password to expire and, if the configured value is equal to 0 (zero), it is advisable to disable the Minimum password age option

Minimum password age

Indicates whether there is a minimum time in days for the password of a user of this group be used before changing it. The value of the Minimum age in days item must be between 1 (one) and 730. Defining this value as 0 (zero) allows this user to change their password immediately. NOTE: If the Password expiration option is configured, the value of this option cannot exceed the value configured in the Days to expire item

Minimum password length

Indicates whether a password of a user of this group must have a minimum size of characters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum characters item a minimum value of characters for a password

Alphanumeric password

Indicates whether the password of a user of this group must contain letters and numbers

Minimum numeric characters in password

Indicates whether the password of a user of this group must have a minimum number of numeric characters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum numeric characters item a minimum number of numeric characters for a password

Minimum letters in password

Indicates whether the password of a user of this group must have a minimum number of letters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum letters item a minimum number of letters for a password

Minimum special characters in password

Indicates whether the password of a user of this group must have a minimum number of special characters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum special characters item a minimum number of special characters for a password

Uppercase and lowercase characters

Indicates whether the password of a user of this group must contain uppercase and lowercase characters

Ignore case in passwords

Indicates that the validation of a password of a user of this group is performed by not differentiating uppercase and lowercase letters. Enabling this option is not recommended

Password history

Indicates whether the last passwords of a user of this group are stored and cannot be used. If this option is enabled, configure in the Number of passwords item how many passwords must be stored. After reaching the value indicated in this item, the oldest password is discarded and can be used again


When clicking Remove, an application shows a dialog box asking to confirm whether users want to remove the selected group or not.

Groups can also belong to other groups, thus sharing their configurations. To do so, the Available groups list displays all groups available in an application that may contain the selected group, and the Belongs to list displays a list of groups to which the selected group belongs. To add a group to another specific group, follow these procedures:

1.Select a group to add to another group.

2.On the Available groups list, select a group to which this group must belong.

3.Click Add to add this group, which then appears on the Belongs to list.

4.To remove a group, select it on the Belongs to list and click Remove.



Users must notice the hierarchy between users and groups. If a certain option is disabled for a user, but the same option is enabled in a group, this user's permission precedes the group where this item is disabled. A group option is only respected when the same user option is set as neutral or inherited.

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