Configurations for Alarm Table Generation

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Configurations for Alarm Table Generation

To specify configurations for an Alarm Server, right-click this object and select the Properties option.

On the Configuration tab, users can specify Database settings and determine fields to generate an alarm table.

Configuration tab

Configuration tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options for the Configuration tab



Store alarms on a database

Enables or disables storing alarm data on a Database. This option is equivalent to the Logging property of an Alarm Server object

Database Server

Defines which Database server stores alarm data. This option is equivalent to the DataSource property of an Alarm Server object

Table name

Defines the name of an alarm table. This option is equivalent to the TableName property of an Alarm Server object

Discard data from the main table

Enables or disables discarding data from the main table. Data is considered old according to the Discard data older than option. This option is equivalent to the EnableDiscard property of an Alarm Server object

Discard data older than

Determines a time interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, during which data is kept on the main table. If data is older than the interval on this option, it is discarded. This option is equivalent to the DiscardInterval property of an Alarm Server object and the option to select a time unit for this interval is equivalent to the DiscardTimeUnit property of an Alarm Server object

Perform discard every

Performs an alarm verification, according to the period specified in this option, in minutes, hours, days, or months. This option is equivalent to the VerificationInterval property  of an Alarm Server object and the option to select a time unit for this interval is equivalent to the VerificationUnit property of an Alarm Server object

Move discarded data to the backup table

Enables or disables storing discarded data on a secondary or backup table. This option is equivalent to the EnableBackupTable property of an Alarm Server object

Discard from backup data older than

Determines a maximum time interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, for data on the backup table until it is discarded, regardless of the time data remains on the main table. For example, to keep data for 24 months on the main table and six more months on the backup table, this option's value must be 30 months. This interval must be longer than the one configured in the Discard data older than option of the main table. This option is equivalent to the BackupDiscardInterval property of an Alarm Server object and the option to select a time unit for this interval is equivalent to the BackupDiscardTimeUnit property of an Alarm Server object


Determines which alarm's event fields are added to the alarm table, and in which order those columns are displayed

Create table

Generates an alarm table on the specified Database

Exclude suppressed alarms from alarm counters

Enables or disables excluding suppressed alarms from alarm counters. This option is equivalent to the ExcludeSuppressedAlarmsOnCounters property of an Alarm Server object


The available fields on the Alarm Server to generate an alarm table are described on the next table.

Available fields for Alarm field tables




Informs whether an alarm was acknowledged or not. Possible values for this field are 0: Not acknowledged or 1: Acknowledged


Determines an automatic acknowledgment of this alarm. Possible values for this field are 0: Automatic acknowledgment or 1: Manual acknowledgment


Stores Elipse Power's date and time at the moment an alarm is acknowledged, or zero (12/30/1899) while it is not acknowledged. For alarms that do not require acknowledgment, this field assumes Elipse Power's timestamp at the moment this alarm becomes active


Corresponds to the AckTime field as a number in Double format. This fields is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle or SQL Server databases


Corresponds to the AckTime field as a value in milliseconds. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle databases


Active Measurement Source of an object. For E3, this value is always equal to -1 (minus one). For Elipse Power, please check E3Alarm's CustomFilter property for possible values of this field


Name of the operator who acknowledged this alarm. Possible values for this field are the following:

The user logged on Elipse Power Viewer when acknowledgment happened on E3Alarm or "No user" if there is no user logged in

"System", when acknowledgment is automatic, that is, for alarms that do not require acknowledgment

A name passed via script, such as when using Alarm Server's AckArea, AckAllAlarms, or LogTrackingEvent, or Alarm Source's Ack methods

This field's default size is 50 characters


For alarm events, this is the name of the Area this Alarm Source belongs to. For other events, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method, it can be a user-defined text. This field's default size is 100 characters


Stores Alarm Source's name. This field's default size is 100 characters


Indicates whether this event can be shelved or not


Not used and its value is always equal to 0 (zero)


Indicates whether this Alarm Source is in alarm. Possible values for this field are 0: Inactive condition or 1: Active condition


Name of this condition, if it is an alarm event. Possible values for this field are DeadBand: Dead-Band-type Alarm Source, Digital: Digital-type Alarm Source, Level: Analog-type Alarm Source, or RateOfChange: Rate-Of-Change-type Alarm Source. For other events, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method, this value is always an empty String. This field's default size is 100 characters


Value associated to this Alarm Source, used internally by an Alarm Server


Determines Alarm Source's value, converted to Double, at the time of the event. For other events, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method, this value is always zero (0)


Determines whether this alarm was removed. An alarm can only be removed if its Unbound field is set to True


Date and time of the computer at the time of this event


Determines whether alarm check is enabled or not. Possible values for this field are 0: Alarm source's check disabled or 1: Alarm source's check enabled


Category of this event. For alarms, possible values for this field are DeadBand: Dead-Band-type Alarm Source, Digital: Digital-type Alarm Source, Level: Analog-type Alarm Source, or RateOfChange: Rate-Of-Change-type Alarm Source. For other events, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method, it may assume user-defined values. This field's default size is 100 characters


Unique identifier for an alarm's lifetime. When a new alarm occurs on a Source, a new identifier is then generated. Thus, this alarm keeps the same identifier on the Database while it is still on the list of active and unacknowledged alarms


Date and time of a Tag value linked to the Alarm Source at the time of this event


Corresponds to the EventTime field as a value in Double format. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle or SQL Server databases


Corresponds to the EventTime field as a value in milliseconds. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle databases


Corresponds to the EventTime field relative to Greenwich time. This field is kept in Elipse Power for compatibility reasons


Type of an event. For alarm events, it is always equal to "Condition". For other events, it can be a user-defined text, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method ("Tracking", "Simple", etc.). This field's default size is 100 characters


Shows an Alarm Source's formatted value that goes for the event. This field's default size is 100 characters. NOTE: This is a read-only option


Stores an Alarm Source's full path, including Areas, Alarm Configuration, and possible Folders where it might be inserted. For example, "Folder1.AlarmConfig1.Area1.AlarmSource1". This field's default size is 100 characters


Stores value's date and time, at the moment it enters an alarm condition


Corresponds to the InTime field as a number in Double format. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle or SQL Server databases


Corresponds to the InTime field as a value in milliseconds. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle databases


Text configured on an Alarm Source or specified by another event, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method. This field's default size is 200 characters


Stores value's date and time at the moment it leaves an alarm condition or zero (12/30/1899) if this alarm has not left its active condition yet


Corresponds to the OutTime field as a number in Double format. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle or SQL Server databases


Corresponds to the OutTime field as a value in milliseconds. This field is used to easily store date and time data types on Oracle databases


Quality of an Alarm Source's value at the moment of an event. Possible values for this field are 0 - 63: Bad quality, 64 - 127: Uncertain quality, 128 - 191: Undefined value, or 192 - 255: Good quality. If this event is not an alarm, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method, this field is equal to an empty String. This field's default size is 50 characters


Severity value configured on an Alarm Source. Possible values for this field are -2: Critical, 0: High, 1: Medium, or 2: Low. This field can also assume another user-defined value if it is an event, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method. This field's default size is 20 characters


Name of the operator who shelved this event. Please check field ActorID for more information about the content of this field


Number of times this event was shelved


Indicates whether this event was shelved or not


Stores the date and time of the moment this Event is unshelved


Stores the date and time of the moment this Event is shelved


Time, in minutes, this event remained shelved


Maximum number of times this event can be shelved


Maximum time, in minutes, this event can remain shelved


Reason why this event was shelved. This field's limit size is 150 characters


For alarm events, it informs an expression used to evaluate alarm conditions. This field's default size is 100 characters


Name of a Sub-condition, if it is an alarm event. Possible values for this field are DB: Dead Band Alarm, DIG: Digital Alarm, RC: Rate Of Change Alarm, LOLO: Analog Alarm in LoLo range, LO: Analog Alarm in Lo range, HI: Analog Alarm in Hi range, or HIHI: Analog Alarm in HiHi range. If this event is not an alarm, such as when using Alarm Server's LogTrackingEvent method, this field is always an empty String. This field's default size is 100 characters. For Discrete-type Alarm Sources, this field assumes the name of a user-defined Sub-condition on the Discrete tab of this Alarm's properties


Indicates whether this alarm is not linked to an Alarm Source

User Fields

These are user-defined fields. These fields are configured on Alarm Server's User fields tab



To monitor alarms, users must have an Alarm Server configured in the Domain.

EventTimeMS, InTimeMS, OutTimeMS, and AckTimeMS fields are not available in an E3Alarm, because in this object users can view milliseconds using the format options of date and time columns.

Changing the size of Text-type fields to a value less than the current size, in fields that already have data, may lead to truncation or loss of this data.


After defining all these configurations, an application starts inserting and storing information on the alarm table, according to field specifications. When clicking Create Table, Elipse Power Studio generates an alarm's data table according to these specifications, and informs whether this table was successfully generated.

Message from an Alarm Server

Message from an Alarm Server

The structure of an alarm table is similar to a Historic object, composed by a definitions table, a main table, and an optional backup table.

Fields table

Fields table

Fields generated on this table are explained on topic Table Settings of Historic chapter.

By using Alarm Server's configuration window, users can specify a Database Server used to store alarms. A Database Server (DBServer object) is an Elipse Power module that must be inserted in an application.

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