Simulating a Communication Failure

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Simulating a Communication Failure

The Communication option on the Simulation Environment opens the window on the next figure, which allows simulating the behavior of the Self-Healing Module when facing failures on the communication system with field devices.

Window to simulate a communication failure

Window to simulate a communication failure

The I/O Drivers column allows interrupting communication with a certain device. To do so, double-click a device and confirm the interruption. This allows all Measurements to fail. The Drivers that are interrupted are moved to the beginning of the list. To reactivate them, double-click a device and confirm the execution.



The loading on the initial scenario does not initialize previously disabled Drivers. These Drivers must be reactivated before a new simulation.


The Command Unit column allows disabling the execution of Commands that can be executed by the Self-Healing Module. This feature allows simulating a Command failure during the reconnection process. The difference between disabling a Command and interrupting an I/O Driver is that interrupting a Command does not affect a device's availability. To disable or enable a Command, double-click an item and confirm this action.



The loading on the initial scenario does not enable previously disabled Commands. These Commands must be enabled before a new simulation.

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