Area to Analyze the Last Simulation by Switch

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Area to Analyze the Last Simulation by Switch

This area informs the date and time of the last performed simulation, listing all devices that could participate in a trigger of the Self-Healing Module upon a lockout or bar de-energizing condition, according to the next figure.

Area indicating the last performed simulations

Area indicating the last performed simulations

The meaning of the columns on the list of simulations is the following:

Switch: Indicates the simulated device

Trigger: Indicates the type of simulation performed to check the response that the Self-Healing Module would display for the current loading condition and system's topological status. The Restoration trigger simulates a lockout on the device

Result: Indicates whether, for the simulated trigger, the Self-Healing Module would act or not on the system

Description: If the result for the simulated trigger was equal to Success, displays the maneuvers that would be executed by the Self-Healing Module. If the result was equal to Failure, displays what would be preventing a possible action from the Self-Healing Module

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