GOOSE Messages

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GOOSE Messages

A GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) object is capable of configuring information, and also using groups of data or Data Sets, em que é possível a criação de relatórios assíncronos de eventos, ou seja, o receptor é capaz de identificar que algum status foi alterado e o momento que ocorreu esta mudança.

Only those IEDs registered to receive a GOOSE message act on the contained status. This filter is usually performed by MAC address. GOOSE messages use a SCSM (Specific Communication Service Protocol) system, which works on a system for message relay and ensures reliability when delivering data packets. Each message resending contains a defined time, which is doubled at each try, up to a limit called timeAllWedToLive, which closes the connection when reached.

GOOSE messages

GOOSE messages

The advantage of GOOSE messages is to allow exchanging information directly among IEDs and devices connected to a network, even if there is no master and a control level of message's data overlaying exchanging messages in a high transmission rate, and also because they do not need hard cabling, due to the fact that information goes through a network.

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