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WriteEx([Value], [NewTimestamp], [NewQuality], [SyncWrite])

Performs a writing of a value to a device. All its parameters are optional. If omitted, the behavior of this method is the same as the Write method. This method returns a Boolean indicating whether this operation was successful or not. The Value parameters define the value to write to the Driver. The data type depends on the Driver. If omitted, assumes the OPC UA Tag's current value. The NewTimestamp and NewQuality parameters indicate, respectively, the date and time and quality of this value, if the WriteValueMode property is set to 2 - wvmValueQualityTimestamp. The SyncWrite parameter is a Boolean specifying whether this writing operation must be synchronous (True) or asynchronous (False). If omitted, uses the value specified in the SyncWrite property of the OPC UA Tag.



As in the Write method, this writing is performed independently of the value being different from the current value of the OPC UA Tag, as well as independently of the Tag's AllowWrite property being set to True or False. In addition, if this writing works but the Tag is not in scan, whether because of its AllowRead property is set to False or because it uses the AdviseWhenLinked option when not being linked, the written value is assumed immediately with a good quality and the time stamp at the moment of this writing.

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