Local or Remote

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Local or Remote

The Local/Remote command template does not exist as a default in Elipse Power, so users must register it.

1.Select the Commands tab of a Power Configuration object.

2.Click Add Add and select the Discrete Command option. Configure the following properties:

Name: LR

Electrical Phase: 1 - epNone

Description: Local/Remote Command

Sorting: 1000


3.Click Add Add to create Semantics, according to the next figure.

Creating Semantics

Creating Semantics

4.On Substation SE1, right-click Breaker 52-01 and select the Add - Commands option.

5.Add a Discrete Command on Commands folder. Configure the following properties of this object:

Name: cmdLocalRemote

CommandType: LR (on the combo box)


6.Add two Command Units to Command cmdLocalRemote: "Remote" and "Local". Do not forget to configure the CommandName property of these Units.

7.On Tag column select, using the AppBrowser, the SE1.[52-01].Measurements.LocalRemote.Operator item for Units Local and Remote.

8.Execute this application and test this new Command.

Local/Remote Command

Local/Remote Command



Create a Step Command to control Tap position of Transformer TR-01.



Use Command *TapPosition, which is Elipse Power's default.

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