Analog Measurements

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Analog Measurements

In this exercise, let's add current and active power Measurements for Substation's output Breakers.

1.On Design tab of Substation SE1, select Bay1, Breaker 52-03, Terminal2.

2.Right-click Terminal2 and select the Insert - Analog Measurement option.

3.Select this Measurement, which is named "AnalogMeasurement1", and change the following properties:

Name: CurrentA

MeasurementType: *CurrentA (on the combo box)


4.Select the Operator-type Measurement Source, configure the data type of the Value property as Double, and then configure a value for this property.

5.Repeat the previous steps to create a new *ActivePower-type Analog Measurement named "ActivePower". Power is usually displayed in MW, so change the UnitPrefix property to 6 - upMega.

6.Select the Operator-type Measurement Source, configure the data type of the Value property as Double, and then configure a value for this property.

7.Execute this application and test this new functionality. Open the Measurement window (PowerExplorer) of Breaker 52-03 and check Measurement's values.

PowerExplorer window

PowerExplorer window

8.Create Measurements "CurrentA" and "ActivePower" for Breakers 52-04 and 52-05, which are in Bays Bay2 and Bay3, respectively.

9.For Transformer TR-01, let's create a Measurement for oil temperature. The Measurements folder is not created automatically, so it must be created using the Add - Measurements item of Transformer's contextual menu.

10.On folder Measurements, add an Analog Measurement named "OilTemperature".

11.The default list of Analog Measurement Templates does not contain an oil temperature measurement, so it must be created. To do so, select the Analog tab of Power Configuration object.

12.To register a new Measurement, click Add Add and configure its columns with the following values:

Name: TOL

Electrical Phase: -1 - epNone

Description: Oil Temperature

Unit: °C

Min. EU: 0 (zero)

Max. EU: 100

Sorting: 1000


13.Return to the configuration of Measurements of Transformer TR-01 and, on Measurement OilTemperature, configure the MeasurementName property as TOL.

14.In the Operator item of Measurement OilTemperature, type a simulation value and configure this property's value as Double.

15.Execute this application and check all Measurements of Transformer TR-01.

Transformer TR-01

Transformer TR-01

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