Script for Changing the Setting Group

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Script for Changing the Setting Group

Whenever the Self-Healing Module executes a trigger that provokes a change on the current of all involved devices, the current's future value is informed on the SelfHealing-type source of *CurrentA-type Measurements. Based on its value and signal (a positive value means that current is entering by the Terminal where the Measurement is instantiated), users can select which protection group must be configured.

To execute the proper Command Units, users can create an OnValueChanged-type event on the SelfHealing-type source of the current's Measurement on phase A and specify all triggers that must be performed to adjust the protection group on the device. After adjusting the protection group, users must provide a pulse (configure to zero and then to one) to the value of the *SelfHealingNextStepTrigger-type Measurement. The Self-Healing Module only proceeds with the reestablishing sequence when all devices impacted by the next trigger send a pulse to their *SelfHealingNextStepTrigger-type Measurements. Otherwise, the sequence is aborted after 30 seconds.

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