Find and Replace

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Find and Replace

The Find Find tool searches for instances of a given text in a Domain, fully or partially. By the end of this search, users are presented to a list of results indicating the object or objects where this occurrence was found, its location inside that object or objects, such as whether it is a property or a Link, and the text containing this occurrence. To use this tool, select the Find Find option on the Default toolbar, select the Find item in Elipse Power Studio's Tools menu, or use the shortcut key CTRL + SHIFT + F. In these cases, the search is always started for the whole current Domain. When right-clicking an object and selecting the Find option, which is equivalent to shortcut key CTRL + F, the search is always started from the selected object and its children, if available.

Find window

Find window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Find window



Find what

Text to search for

Look in

Searches the whole Domain, on the Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows, or only in the selected object

Match case

Searches for the specified text exactly as written, matching its case

Whole word

Searches for the specified text as a whole word, without considering whether this text is contained inside another text

Use regular expressions

Searches for the specified text using a regular expression feature, described later


Searches for the specified text in object's properties, Links, scripts, and Picks

Include Formula Data

Includes in the search data from a Formula's database


Searches for the specified text only in the values of properties of objects

Only Names

Searches for the specified text only in properties representing an object's name, such as Name and ConnectionName


Searches for the specified text only in Links of objects

Only Sources

Searches for the specified text only in sources of Links of objects

Scripts and Picks

Searches for the specified text only in scripts and Picks of objects

Find Results 1 and 2

Shows the search results on the Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows

Append Results

Allows executing a search without removing the results from previous searches


Executes a search using the selected options


When selecting the Use regular expressions option, users can use patterns for character matching, known as Regular Expressions, to locate text. For example, using the expression "a*c" would allow finding texts "abc", "abbc", or "a123c". The next table contains some examples of the most common combinations on regular expressions.

Common combinations on regular expressions




Finds only the "a" character

. (dot)

Finds any sequence of characters, except a new line


Finds only the characters "a", "b", or "c"

\n, \t

Finds the new line or tab characters, respectively



Elipse Power uses the ECMAScript syntax on regular expressions. For more information, please check topic Regular Expressions on Microsoft Docs.

Selecting the Use regular expressions option enables the Select regular expressions option near the Find what option, which allows selecting the most common regular expressions for searching.


The next figure shows a Find Results 1 (one) window for a search operation.

Find Results 1 window

Find Results 1 window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Find Results 1 or 2 window



Select Previous Select Previous

Selects the previous result on the list of results (CTRL + SHIFT + F8)

Select Next Select Next

Selects the next result on the list of results (CTRL + F8)

Go to Result Go to Result

Selects the object that contains the result in Organizer

Delete Selected Groups Delete Selected Groups

Deletes the selected group of search results (DELETE)

Clean Results List Clean Results List

Removes all search results from the list of results


Allows filtering the results by using the Object, Location, and Result columns


Full path of the object where the text was found


Shows where the text was found, according to the options selected on the Advanced group of the Find window


Shows the expression where the text was found



Groups of results on Find Results 1 (one) and 2 (two) windows can be expanded Expand group of results or collapsed Collapse group of results for a better organization of the search results, especially when selecting the Append Results option.


The Replace Replace tool replaces occurrences found by another specified text. To use this tool, select the Replace Replace tool on the Default toolbar, select the Replace item in Elipse Power Studio's Tools menu, or use the shortcut key CTRL + SHIFT + H. In these cases, the replacement is always performed for the whole current Domain. When right-clicking an object and selecting the Replace option, which is equivalent to shortcut key CTRL + H, the replacement is always performed from the selected object and its children, if available.

Replace window

Replace window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Replace window



Find what

Text to search for and replace

Replace with

Text to use when replacing

Look in

Performs a replacement in the whole Domain, on Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows, or only in the selected object

Match case

Performs a replacement of the specified text exactly as written, matching its case

Whole word

Performs a replacement of the specified text as a whole word, without considering whether this text is contained inside another text

Use regular expressions

Performs a replacement of the specified text using the feature of regular expressions, described on the Find tool


Performs a replacement of the specified text in properties of objects, Links, scripts, and Picks

Include Formula Data

Includes in the replacement data from a Formula's database


Performs a replacement of the specified text only in the values of properties of objects

Only Names

Performs a replacement of the specified text only in properties representing an object's name, such as Name and ConnectionName


Performs a replacement of the specified text only in Links of objects

Only Sources

Performs a replacement of the specified text only in sources of Links of objects

Scripts and Picks

Performs a replacement of the specified text only in scripts and Picks of objects

Find Results 1 and 2

Shows the replacement results on Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows

Append Results

Allows executing a replacement without removing the results from previous replacements


Executes a search using the selected options without executing a replacement


Executes a replacement using the selected options for the first search result on Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows

Replace All

Executes a replacement using the selected options for all search results

Replace Selection

Executes a replacement only on the selected results on Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows

Replace Visible

Executes a replacement only on the results displayed after using the Filter option of Object, Location, or Result columns on Find Results 1 (one) or 2 (two) windows



To select an object and show the exact location where a text was found or replaced, double-click the corresponding row on the list of results or press the space bar.


The next table contains the main search options, as well as the limitations for main data types.

Main search options

Data Type



Date and Time



Finds Date and Time-type properties. If only a date is specified, finds all occurrences of that date, regardless of time. If only a time is specified, finds all occurrences of that time, regardless of date. Milliseconds are ignored during this search




Finds all number properties. Searching for 10 finds 10 and 10.0, but does not find 10.1 or 100

Floating Point



Finds all Floating Point-type number properties. Searching for 10.1 does not find 10 (integer). Windows regional settings are considered to validate a decimal symbol of a number




Finds only Color-type properties. Users must use commas to separate values, which must comply with the RGB system, that is, three groups of values ranging from 0 (zero) to 255




Considers Windows language to process this search as a search for Boolean values




Finds entire or partial Strings, according to the search type, by entire word or not. Any data type can be found on String-type properties

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