Event Causes

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Event Causes

The next table contains detailed descriptions about event messages containing a %CAUSE% macro.

Messages of events with a %CAUSE% macro


Default Message

Example of %CAUSE%

Login Fail

User login '%USER%' in %SESSION' in '%MACHINE%' failed: %CAUSE%

Incorrect login or password

Disabled account

Blocked account

Expired password

Error code in hexadecimal format, such as 'error 0x1234abcd'

Domain Changed

Domain has been changed by user '%USER%' in %SESSION% in machine '%MACHINE%': %CAUSE%

Project 'projectname' added (enabled)

Project 'projectname' added (disabled)

Project 'projectname' removed

Project/library 'projectname' renamed to 'newname'

Project 'projectname' moved

Project 'projectname' enabled

Project 'projectname' disabled

Changes applied in Domain editor window

User Modified

User '%NAME%' was modified by '%USER%' on machine '%MACHINE%'. '%CAUSE%'

'option' modified from 'oldvalue' to 'newvalue'. Please check table Options of the Edit User window for examples of messages

Group Modified

Group '%NAME%' was modified by '%USER%' on machine '%MACHINE%'. '%CAUSE%'

'option' modified from 'oldvalue' to 'newvalue'. Please check table Options of the Edit Group window for examples of messages

System Events Recording

System Events Recording modified by '%USER%' in %SESSION% in machine '%MACHINE%': %CAUSE%

'option' modified from 'oldvalue' to 'newvalue'. Please check table Options of the Events Recording tab for examples of messages

Domain Security

Domain Security modified by user '%USER%' in %SESSION% in machine '%MACHINE%': %CAUSE%

'option' modified from 'oldvalue' to 'newvalue'. Please check table Options of the Security tab for examples of messages


Options of the Edit User window


Data Type

Example of Message

This is an administrator user


'User is Administrator' modified from 'Enabled' to 'Disabled'

Disallow password change


'User cannot change their password' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Password expiration

Boolean and Integer

'Time (in days) until the password expires' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum password age

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum duration (in days) before a password can be changed to a new one' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum password length

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of characters that the password must have' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Alphanumeric password


'Password must have letters and numbers' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Minimum numeric characters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of numbers that the password must have' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum letters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of letters that the password must contain' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum special characters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of special characters that the password must contain' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Uppercase and lowercase characters


'Password must have uppercase and lowercase letters' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Account disabled


'This account is disabled' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Account blocked


'This account is blocked' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Force password change


'User must change their password in the next login' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Ignore case in passwords


'Check passwords without validating upper- and lower-case letters (not recommended)' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Password history

Boolean and Integer

'Number of recently used passwords by a user and that can not be reused' modified from 'Default' to '1'



When changing the password of a user in Elipse Power Studio, by using the Users item on the Users and Groups window of File - Users menu or by using Viewer's UserAdministration method, the event message is "User 'username' was modified by 'anotheruser' in machine 'computername'. 'User password was changed'".


Options of the Edit Group window


Data Type

Example of Message

Disallow password change


'User cannot change their password' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Password expiration

Boolean and Integer

'Time (in days) until the password expires' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum password age

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum duration (in days) before a password can be changed to a new one' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum password length

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of characters that the password must have' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Alphanumeric password


'Password must have letters and numbers' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Minimum numeric characters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of numbers that the password must have' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum letters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of letters that the password must contain' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum special characters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of special characters that the password must contain' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Uppercase and lowercase characters


'Password must have uppercase and lowercase letters' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Ignore case in passwords


'Check passwords without validating upper- and lower-case letters (not recommended)' modified from 'Default' to 'Enabled'

Password history

Boolean and Integer

'Number of recently used passwords by a user and that can not be reused' modified from 'Default' to '1'



For more information about the Edit User window, please check topic Users on chapter Security.

For more information about the Edit Group window, please check topic Groups on chapter Security.

Options with a Default value on a message indicates that the value of that option is inherited from Domain's general options.


Options of the Events recording tab


Data Type

Example of message

Enable system events recording


'Enable system events recording' modified from 'Enabled' to 'Disabled'

Table name


'Table name' modified from 'Table1' to 'Table2'

Automatically select application database


'Use this Database' modified from 'DB1' to '(automatically select)'

Use this database

Boolean and String

'Use this Database' modified from 'DB1' to 'DB2'



'eventname' modified from 'Enabled' to 'Disabled'


Options of the Security group on the Properties tab


Data Type

Example of Message

Disallow password change


'User cannot change their password' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Alphanumeric password


'Password must have letters and numbers' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Uppercase and lowercase characters


'Password must have uppercase and lowercase letters' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Ignore case in passwords


'Check passwords without validating upper- and lower-case letters (not recommended)' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Username and password must differ


'User name and password cannot be the same' modified from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled'

Minimum password length

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of characters that the password must have' modified from 'Disabled' to '6'

Password expiration

Boolean and Integer

'Time (in days) until the password expires' modified from '2' to 'Disabled'

Minimum password age

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum duration (in days) before a password can be changed to a new one' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Minimum numeric characters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of numbers that the password must have' modified from 'Disabled' to '2'

Minimum letters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of letters that the password must contain' modified from 'Disabled' to '3'

Minimum special characters in password

Boolean and Integer

'Minimum number of special characters that the password must contain' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Password history

Boolean and Integer

'Number of recently used passwords by a user and that can not be reused' modified from 'Default' to '1'

Automatic user blocking

Boolean and Integer

'Number of failed logins to block user account' modified from 'Disabled' to '1'

Automatic user account unblocking

Boolean and Integer

'Time (in minutes) to automatically unblock the user' modified from 'Disabled' to '1'

Password expiration warning

Boolean and Integer

'Time (in days) to warn the user before the password expires' modified from 'Disabled' to '1'

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