Using with Elipse E3 or Elipse Power

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Using with Elipse E3 or Elipse Power

PlantModel Library is formed by library files PMBasic.lib, PMBasicResources.lib, and PMXRef.lib. Users must copy these files to the directory of an application and then add them to the Domain. These objects must be instantiated from a Data Server.

The xfPlantFolder object can represent an equipment or data structure, and can be specialized into other objects, such as a Pump, an Engine, or an Equipment, when creating another XFolder with the same properties.

As child objects of an xfPlantFolder object, it is recommended to instantiate other XFolder-type objects, for a better information structure, and inside these objects instantiate objects such as Measurements, Statuses, and Commands.

The XFolder-type objects in the PMBasic library are xfMeasuresFolder, xfStatusFolder, xfSetPointsFolder, and xfCommandFolder. For a better understanding of its content, it is expected that inside an xfMeasuresFolder-type object be instantiated objects of type xfAnalogInfo, xfDiscreteInfo, xfParameter, or xfStringInfo, which respectively represent Analog Measurements, Discrete Measurements, Analog Parameters, and Text-type Information.

In an xfStatusFolder-type object, xfDiscreteInfo-type objects must be instantiated, for additional information about digital status.

In an xfSetPointsFolder-type object, xfParameter-type objects must be instantiated, if these objects must be separated from other Measurements.

In an xfCommandFolder-type object, xfCommand-type objects must be instantiated, which represent the type of control to perform, and as child objects the xfCommandUnit-type objects, which are actions inside that type of control.

xfCommand- or xfCommandUnit-type objects can receive child objects of type xfInterlockGroup, which by their turn contain child objects of type xfInterlockUnit, which represent conditions that may block commands.

When users must create a reference to an existing object without repeating the whole definition, use the xfPMRef object from PMXRef library, which keeps a pointer to another object.

The xoScadaSource, xoOperatorSource, and xoSimulationSource objects represent different data sources, and in most cases they are optional.

The xoLogger object must be unique and instantiated as "LogSvc" on a Data Folder called "Logger", that is, "Logger.LogSvc". This object is responsible for registering the result of commands and other actions of an operator.

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