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This object holds all event notifications occurring on the other PlantModel Library objects, for recording purposes. This object must be unique and instantiated as "LogSvc" in a Data Folder called "Logger", that is, "Logger.LogSvc". The only property of this object is dicProps, a dictionary in which each element is an array with a variable number of elements, according to the type of object, as described next.

For an xfCommandUnit-type object, this array must have 8 (eight) elements:

Array(0): "xfCommandUnit"

Array(1): Content of the PathName property

Array(2): Returned value of the Application.E3GetActor method

Array(3): Content of the LastCommandResult property

Array(4): Name of the computer

Array(5): Content of the WriteValue property

Array(6): Content of the TimeStamp property

Array(7): Content of the UserComment property


For an xfDiscreteInfo-type object, this array must have 7 (seven) elements:

Array(0): "xfDiscreteInfo"

Array(1): Content of the PathName property

Array(2): Content of the MultiState property

Array(3): Content of the Value property

Array(4): Content of the ValueCaption property

Array(5): Content of the Caption property

Array(6): Content of the TimeStamp property


For an xfInterlockUnit-type object, this array must have 5 (five) elements:

Array(0): "xfInterlockUnit"

Array(1): Content of the PathName property

Array(2): Content of the Value property

Array(3): Content of the RTExpression property

Array(4): Content of the Timestamp property


For an xfParameter-type object, this array must have 8 (eight) elements:

Array(0): "xfParameter"

Array(1): Content of the PathName property

Array(2): Returned value of the Application.E3GetActor method

Array(3): Command result (0: OK, 1: Failure, 2: Command not authorized, or 3: Interlocked)

Array(4): Name of the computer

Array(5): Content of the TimeStamp property

Array(6): Content of the Value property

Array(7): Content of the NewValueRequest property


A timed script must be created, such as every 10 seconds, that removes the events added to the dicProps property, according to the next example.

Set dic = dicProps
For i = 1 to dic.Count
  Entry = dic.Item(i)
  strEvent = ""
  For j = 0 To UBound(Entry) - 1
    strEvent = strEvent & ";" & Entry(j)
  Call Application.TrackEvent("PlantModel:", strEvent)
Call dic.RemoveAll()
dicProps = dic


In this example, the TrackEvent method of the Application object was used to remove the events, but users can also use the LogTrackingEvent method of the Alarm Server.

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