Server Settings

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Server Settings

To configure Elipse Mobile Server, right-click the Elipse Mobile Server Elipse Mobile Server icon on Windows Notification Area and select the Settings option.

Server tab

Server tab

The available options on the Server tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the Server tab



Enable secure connections

Enables a secure connection to the Server

Security certificate (.crt)

Indicates a connection's secure certificate file. Click Import to import a file with a .crt extension

Private key (.key)

Indicates a connection's private key file. Click Import to import a file with a .key extension


Indicates the TCP/IP port used by an HTTP connection. The default TCP/IP port for HTTP connections is port 80

HTTPs (secure)

Indicates the TCP/IP port used by an HTTPS connection. The default TCP/IP port for HTTPS connections is port 443



Please check topic Firewall Settings for more information about configuring TCP/IP ports.

To create a test certificate for HTTPS connections, please check article Generating a test certificate for HTTPS on Elipse Knowledgebase.

Please check article Available trusted root certificates for Apple operating systems for a list of pre-installed trusted root certificates on iOS operating system.


Smtp tab

Smtp tab

The available options on the Smtp tab are described on the next table. These options are used for sending e-mails to users and administrators, such as when users forget their passwords. These settings are used regardless of the client.

Available options on the Smtp tab




Address of an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server


TCP/IP port of a server. The default TCP/IP port for SMTP servers is port 587


Name of an e-mail sender

Sender email

Address of an e-mail sender


Type of connection to a server. Possible values for this option are Start not encrypted (default), Encrypted (TLS), or Not encrypted


Type of authentication. Possible values for this option are Using HMAC_MD5, No authentication, Normal Password, or Encrypted Password (default)


User name


User password

Send test e-mail

Click to send a test e-mail using the configured options. This message is sent to the e-mail configured on the System User tab


System User tab

System User tab

The available options on the System User tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the System User tab



Redefine credentials

Select this option to redefine the credentials of a system administrator user, defined in the User and Password options


User name of a system administrator


Password of a system administrator


E-mail address of a system administrator, used to receive important status information about a server


The About tab shows information about Elipse Mobile Server version and all libraries used.

About tab

About tab

Server configurations are saved to a file called init.json, located on the installation folder of Elipse Mobile Server. This file contains configurations not available on the previously described tabs. The next table contains configurations that can be changed directly on this file.

Available options on the init.json file




Enables a system administrator to receive an e-mail whenever they perform a login. The default value of this option is false


Enables Elipse Mobile Server to accept connections from another server. Possible values for this option are true or false (default)


Indicates the size of the pool of threads of Elipse Mobile Server. The more simultaneous users, the larger the value of this option. The default value of this option is 24 and its minimum possible value is 8 (eight)


Configures a minimum HTTPS protocol acceptable by Elipse Mobile Server. Possible values for this option are 0: Accepts SSL 2 and later, 1: Accepts SSL 3 and later, 2: Accepts TLS 1 and later (default), 3: Accepts TLS 1.1 and later, or 4: Accepts TLS 1.2 and later. It is recommended to always use the latest protocol version


Name of a Telegram's reference server for sending messages


URL of the Elipse Mobile Server's instance. This option is used in the external authentication by OpenID to identify which protocol to use, HTTP or HTTPS


Indicates the identifier (id) of the system administrator's Telegram account. A way to discover an identifier is by using Telegram's web version. When opening the group's or user's chat to send a message, the corresponding identifier is shown alongside the address, such as


Indicates the token of a Telegram bot used to send messages, such as "bot6730154057:AAEQHPzbNJWqueMRM3xnDIjUHsBkQUUAAAA". For more information on how to create a bot on Telegram, check article How do I create a bot on Telegram's official documentation


Requires a two-factor authentication from all users when a new device is registered. The limit of registered devices per user is 2 (two). When a new device is registered, the oldest device is removed. The default value of this option is false. Please check the next note and text for more information about this option


Defines a hash algorithm for user passwords. Possible values for this option are sha1 or pbkd. The PBKD (Password-Based Key Derivation) algorithm derives a key based on a password using a salt parameter and a number of iterations, as specified on RFC 2898 standard. NOTE: It is recommended to copy the entire Elipse Mobile folder before converting to PBKD format. This copy can then be used to open an Application in a version previous to version 1.7.38.



A two-factor authentication is not required from users created with a unique device and system administrators.


Two-Factor Authentication

Whenever a user logs in a device not yet registered in Elipse Mobile Server, an e-mail is sent to this user with a code. That code must be provided on the login screen to finish the registration of this device. The maximum expiration time for this code is 1 (one) minute. The maximum number of devices registered in Elipse Mobile Server is 2 (two). Whenever a new device is registered, the oldest registered device is removed. When a user executes a login on a device already registered, the two-factor authentication is not required, only when that user executes a logout. System administrator users are advised to configure the admin_login_email option to true to receive an e-mail whenever they execute a login.

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