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Bookmarks are tags that can be linked to one or more events in a file. On the event viewing area there is a column named Bookmarks, which displays events that contain a linked bookmark. In these cases, an icon Bookmark is placed near the ID of an event.

Elipse Event Log Viewer window with bookmarks linked to events

Elipse Event Log Viewer window with bookmarks linked to events

The available options on the toolbar for bookmarks are described on the next table.

Available options for bookmarks



Edit Bookmarks (CTRL + SHIFT + E) Edit Bookmarks

Opens a window to remove a bookmark, remove all bookmarks, or locate a bookmark

Add Fast Bookmark (CTRL + B) Add Fast Bookmark

Adds a bookmark with an automatically generated name for all selected events

Add Bookmark (CTRL + A) Add Bookmark

Opens a window to ask for a bookmark's name, and adds it to all selected events

Remove Bookmark (CTRL + R) Remove Bookmark

Removes all bookmarks from the selected events

Previous Bookmark (SHIFT + F2) Previous Bookmark

Selects the previous bookmark

Next Bookmark (F2) Next Bookmark

Selects the next bookmark


When clicking Add Bookmark Add Bookmark, the window on the next figure is then displayed.

Add Bookmark window

Add Bookmark window

In the Bookmark name field, users must inform a name for this bookmark. If there is already a bookmark with that name, then the selected event is added to a list of events linked to that bookmark. If it does not exist, then a new bookmark is created and the selected event is linked to it. When clicking Edit Bookmark Edit Bookmark, the window on the next figure is then displayed.

Edit Bookmarks window

Edit Bookmarks window

This window displays a list with all existing bookmarks and all events linked to them. The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Edit Bookmarks window



Rename (ALT + N)

Renames the selected bookmark on the list displayed on this window, then showing a window asking for a new name

Remove (ALT + R)

Removes the selected bookmark on the list displayed on this window

Remove All (ALT + L)

Removes all bookmarks

Go To (ALT + G)

Selects, on the event viewing area, the event linked to the selected bookmark, without closing the edition window


Closes this window


All operations performed on this window are instantaneously applied. When right-clicking an event, a contextual menu is displayed with the options displayed on the next figure.

Contextual menu of an event

Contextual menu of an event


Options for an event's contextual menu



Copy (CTRL + C)

Copies all selected events to the Clipboard. The selection performed in the Process and Thread as Hexadecimal option is kept during this copy operation

Add Fast Bookmark (CTRL + B)

Adds a bookmark with an automatically generated name to all selected events

Add Bookmark (CTRL + A)

Opens a window to ask for a bookmark's name and adds it to all selected events

Rename Bookmark (CTRL + SHIFT + R)

Renames all selected bookmarks

Remove Bookmark (CTRL + R)

Removes the selected bookmarks

Edit Bookmarks (CTRL + SHIFT + E)

Opens a window to edit all bookmarks

Go To Previous Bookmark (SHIFT + F2)

Selects the previous bookmark

Go To Next Bookmark (F2)

Selects the next bookmark

Process and Thread as Hexadecimal (CTRL + H)

Allows selecting whether the view of Process and Thread columns is displayed in hexadecimal (default) or decimal format. This option is persisted per user and it is also used when exporting events


When clicking the Rename Bookmark option, the window on the next figure is displayed.

Rename Bookmark window

Rename Bookmark window

In the Bookmark name field, users must type a new name for this bookmark. This option is valid for single and for multiple selections, allowing several events to be grouped under the same bookmark name.

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