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Enum This property is valid when a Storage object is the Query's source (this is indicated by the DataSource property). It specifies a function that defines data generated by this Query. Some functions contain sub-functions, which can be indicated in the FunctionSubType property. This property can assume the values described on the next table.

Available options for the FunctionType property



-1 - ftNoFunction

There is no defined function (default). This value is not available when the QueryType property is configured to 1 - qtStorage

0 - ftLastValue

Returns the last value stored on the Database

1 - ftArchivedValue

Returns a stored value relative to a certain timestamp defined in the TimeStamp variable. The type of relationship is specified in the FunctionSubType property

2 - ftTagAttribute

Returns a Tag attribute, defined in the FunctionSubType property

3 - ftCompressedDataNValues

Returns, for a single Tag, N values defined in the NumVals variable, stored from an initial time defined in the StartTime variable

4 - ftCompressedDataStartEndTime

Returns, for a single Tag, all values stored at the interval between StartTime and EndTime variables

5 - ftSampledData

Returns, for one or more Tags, the interpolated values, that is, estimated at the interval between StartTime and EndTime variables, in fixed intervals defined by the TimeInterval variable

6 - ftCalculatedData

Returns, for one or more Tags, the result of math operations applied to data at the interval between StartTime and EndTime variables, in fixed intervals defined by the TimeInterval variable



Variables can also be defined at run time using the Query's SetVariableValue method.

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