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Enum Specifies a subtype of the function indicated by the FunctionType property. Only the 1 - ftArchivedValue, 2 - ftTagAttribute, and 6 - ftCalculatedData options have subtypes. For all other functions, this property assumes the value -1 - fsNoSubType. The next table shows all possible values for this property, according to the selected function in the FunctionType property.

Subtypes for the ArchivedValue function (FunctionType equal to 1)



0 - fsPreviousArchivedValue

Value stored right before the informed timestamp

1 - fsInterpolatedArchivedValue

Calculated value, based on previous and next values

2 - fsNextArchivedValue

Value stored right after the informed timestamp

3 - fsExactArchivedValue

If a stored value is found at the exact informed timestamp


Subtypes for the TagAttribute function (FunctionType equal to 2)



0 - fsTagAttributeDescription

Tag's meaning or description

1 - fsTagAttributeSource

Tag's path being stored

2 - fsTagAttributeType

Data type: Double, Boolean, or String

3 - fsTagAttributeEU

Engineering unit

4 - fsTagAttributeLowEng

Lower limit

5 - fsTagAttributeHighEng

Upper limit

6 - fsTagAttributeDeadBand

Dead band for recording

7 - fsTagAttributeDeadBandUnit

Dead band unit (an absolute value or a percentage)

8 - fsTagAttributeMinRecTime

Minimum recording time (variations smaller than this interval are not stored)

9 - fsTagAttributeMaxRecTime

Maximum recording time (the absence of variation on these intervals forces a recording)


Subtypes for the CalculatedData function (FunctionType equal to 6)



0 - fsTotalCalculatedData

Total of values

1 - fsMinimumCalculatedData

Minimum value

2 - fsMaximumCalculatedData

Maximum value

3 - fsStandardCalculatedData

Standard deviation

4 - fsRangeCalculatedData

Range of values

5 - fsMeanCalculatedData

Mean of values

6 - fsMedianCalculatedData

Median of values

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