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Formulas are modules intended to store and transfer value sets to certain groups of variables, to create pre-defined configurations, which is basically an implementation of recipes. Formulas are composed by these parts:

Templates: Define a data type that can be stored in any Formula variable and its restrictions. These restrictions allow enabling or disabling value changes in a Formula at run time, or else defining limits for changes

Units: Define Tags linked to a Formula Template. Users can create several Units, that is, several groups of Tags that can receive values from a Formula

Value Sets: These are values transferred to Tags, that is, to Units


Formulas are always linked to a database, because they need to make sure that data, Templates, Units, and Value Sets, configured at any moment, remain valid whenever needed. To work with Formulas, users can use any database type, and E3 Studio or E3 Server themselves create the necessary tables and relationships for use with Formulas.



When using an MDB-type (Access) database, it is interesting to create specific files for Formulas and Historic objects, to avoid data loss in case of problems with any file.

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