Simulation of Values

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Simulation of Values

A Data Server is a module responsible for executing and managing Tags and objects that are not directly involved with communication. With a Data Server, users can configure internal and simulation Tags, in addition to inserting XFolders and XObjects, which are data objects from ElipseX libraries, seen later. Some objects that can be inserted into a Data Server are described on the next table.

Objects that can be inserted into Data Servers



Counter Tag Counter Tag

Object that performs a time counting, in seconds, up to a pre-determined value, or that performs a certain time counting indefinitely

Demo Tag Demo Tag

Object that generates values according to a wave form. It is used to simulate values. It allows generating defined curves or random values

Internal Tag Internal Tag

Generic-purpose object, used to store values of any type, including numbers, texts, and other objects

Timer Tag Timer Tag

Object for counting time and scheduling activities. Establishes certain periods of time, with repetitions, to execute actions

Data Folder Data Folder

Defines groups and sub-directories to organize information. New folders can be inserted inside others, if needed



Objects inserted in a Data Server are executed by an E3 Server, therefore they are present in that Server. This information shows how E3 works.

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