Analog Alarm

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Analog Alarm

1.Create, inside the Alarm Configuration, a new Alarm Area by clicking Add and changing its name to "Level".

Adding an Alarm Area

Adding an Alarm Area

2.Right-click this Area and select the Insert - Analog Alarm option.

Inserting an Analog Alarm

Inserting an Analog Alarm

3.Rename this Analog Alarm to "Tank1".

4.Click AppBrowser on the Source column of Alarm Source Tank1 and, using AppBrowser, select the Value property of Tag Level1 on the Data folder.

Analog Alarm Source

Analog Alarm Source

5.Open the Properties Window of Alarm Tank1, Analog tab, and configure all Subconditions according to the next figure.

Properties of the Analog Alarm

Properties of the Analog Alarm

6.Copy Alarm Tank1 to create Alarm Tank2.

7.Link Alarm Tank2 to Tag Level2 and change its Alarm messages.

Linking Alarms with Tags

Linking Alarms with Tags

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