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ShowTrendAnalysis([Title], [Left], [Top], [ReadOnly], [Configuration])

Shows a TrendAnalysis window. This method's parameters are listed on the next table.

Parameters of the ShowTrendAnalysis method




Determines a window title. Corresponds to TrendAnalysis object's Title property. If omitted or informed an empty String, this window's title is configured as "TrendAnalysis"


Window's horizontal coordinate, in pixels. Please check TrendAnalysis object's SetWindowPlacement method for more information about the behavior of this parameter, if omitted


Window's vertical coordinate, in pixels. Please check TrendAnalysis object's SetWindowPlacement method for more information about the behavior of this parameter, if omitted


Informs the content of a configuration saved by TrendAnalysis object's Save method. If omitted or informed an empty String, no previously saved configuration is loaded


Usage example:

Sub Botao1_Click()
  Application.ShowTrendAnalysis "TrendAnalysis Window",_
    100, 100, False, ""
End Sub


This method returns a value that indicates whether the window was correctly configured for display. Possible values are 0: Configuration successfully loaded, 1: Configuration did not load successfully, 2: Configuration content is not valid, or 3: This configuration requires a newer version. In case of error, the TrendAnalysis window is not displayed.



TrendAnalysis properties can be configured in the object returned by Viewer's GetTrendAnalysis method.

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