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Text Allows informing a customized filter for alarms, as an expression. Please check Alarm Filter's CustomFilter property for more information about the available fields for use on this filter's expression. User-defined fields can also be used on a filter expression, by using the name defined on the Alarm Server.

Altogether, messages displayed on E3Alarm list always pass through these filters:

Filter by type (alarm or event) (the FilterType property)

Filter by severity (the ShowCriticalPriority, ShowLowPriority, ShowMediumPriority, and ShowHighPriority properties)

Filter by area (the AreaFilter and SimpleAreaFilter properties)

Filter by the CustomFilter property

Filter by the alarm summary, which is equivalent to the expression "Enabled AND (ConditionActive OR (AckRequired AND NOT Acked))"


Usage examples of the CustomFilter property:

For a user-defined field called IsSupressed, and that users want to display only alarms where this field's value is different from zero, the expression to use is the following:

IsSupressed <> 0


To display only messages with "HIHI" or "LOLO" subconditions of alarm objects whose name starts with "Pressure", the expression to use is the following:

(SubConditionName = "HIHI" OR SubConditionName = "LOLO")
  AND (Mid(AlarmSourceName, 1, 8) = "Pressure")

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