E3DataAccess Library

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E3DataAccess Library

Aiming to meet the demands of developing applications that can view and change data from an E3 or Elipse Power server, Elipse Software developed a COM object as a library called E3DataAccess. By using the events, methods, and properties provided by this objects, any application written in Visual Basic, Delphi, or .NET, among other languages, which supports COM objects can create a communication interface with E3 or Elipse Power. An important detail is that each instance of E3DataAccess Library consumes a Viewer license and can only be connected to one E3 or Elipse Power server at a time.

When instantiating an E3DataAccess object, users can monitor the Server property, which defines the E3 or Elipse Power server this instance is connected or trying to connect. After connecting, users have access to synchronous methods to read and write Tags, search data using queries, and receive change events from Links, described on the next topics.

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