IEC61850 Device Config Tab

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IEC61850 Device Config Tab

This tab allows defining devices (Servers) to establish communication.

IEC61850 Device Config tab

IEC61850 Device Config tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the IEC61850 Device Config tab



Browse SCL Files

Tags from relays can be created online, that is, when users can communicate with relays, or offline by importing SCL files. This option opens a window to select ICD or SCD files to import. After selecting a file, for each description of relay found, an identification is created on the list of servers, and a file with the description of Logical Devices (LD) and Logical Nodes (LN) of a relay is also created, which can be imported to an application by using the Tag Browser window. In case there are no SCL files, users can configure each relay directly by using the Add, Update, and Delete options


Informs the name of a device. Used only to identify a device for this Driver, mapping it to an IP address


Informs an IP address of a device. Optionally, users can inform a TCP/IP port, if it is not the default port of MMS protocol, using the format X.X.X.X:X, such as

Backup IP

Informs a backup IP address of a device, if available. Use the same syntax of the IP option

PSel (Presentation Selector)

Selection value for the device used by the OSI presentation layer (ISO/IEC 8823). It must be checked, if fixed, or informed in the device's configuration. Its value is usually 1 (one)

SSel (Session Selector)

Selection value for the device used by the OSI session layer (ISO/IEC 8327). It must be checked, if fixed, or informed in the device's configuration. Its values is usually 1 (one)

TSel (Transport Selector)

Selection value for the device used by the OSI transport layer (ISO/IEC 8073). It must be checked, if fixed, or informed in the device's configuration. Its value is usually 1 (one)

Rem AP ID (Remote Application Process Identification)

Identifier used by the OSI link layer OSI (ISO/OSI 8650), in ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) format. Indicates the format of data adopted by the AARQ (Association Request) function. Its value is usually 1,1,999,1,1 (iso.1.999.1.1)

Rem AE Qual (Remote Application Entity Qualifier)

Identifier used by the communication layer as a formatter. It must be checked, if fixed, or informed in the device's configuration. Its value is usually 12


Disables this device. Therefore, when starting this Driver, there is no communication with this device

Use Backup IP

Informs whether the backup IP address is used


Function not available on this version



The topic Limitations of this Driver contains information about the maximum number of IEDs supported by this Driver.

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