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Available options on the Other tab



Counter DeadBand (units)

Dead band in units, to verify when checking new events for counters

Analog DeadBand (units)

Dead band in units, to verify when checking new events for analog points

Select/Operate Timeout (s)

Maximum time for blocking other messages, except an Operate command right after a Select command

Use Auto Demotion

Enables an auto-demotion system, which automatically removes and inserts from communication the Slaves in an Inactive status, that is, with communication errors. This procedure is used when two or more Slaves use the same channel, thus avoiding that a Slave in this status takes over the channel

Demotion Time

Time, in seconds, that this Driver tries to communicate with every Slave in an Inactive status, to check if communication is correct, setting it back to an Active status

Command Max Age (s)

Verifies if the timestamp of the requested command is greater than local timestamp minus the number of seconds defined in htis option, to avoid processing old commands that for any reason remain pending

Use Callbacks

This Driver can be configured to use callbacks or asynchronous calls to E3 or Elipse Power, which immediately receives values from objects arriving on the communication, and in this case the scan rate is not used. If this option is disabled, Tags take more time to update, more than the defined scan time in average

Check Select/Operate Message Sequence

Allows using Operate commands to control a message's sequence number, so that it is immediately subsequent to a Select command. When selecting this option, this Driver does not send a command, except for an Operate command, until a maximum time for this operation is exceeded

Use Local Time Zone as Sync/Event Time Offset

Informs this Driver to consider the difference between Windows official time and UTC/GMT time for all events and time-syncing requests. This function is useful when a DNP Server is configured as UTC but users want to inform a local time to an application

Discard Events out of Order (by TimeStamp Info)

For objects with timestamp information, this option forces events whose timestamp is older than the last one processed to be discarded

Scan for Files (obj 70)

Requests a file reading using DNP's object 70, which is deprecated by the standard but still implemented in some devices. The available profiles are Pextron and Generic. For more information, please check topic Collecting and Storing Files in COMTRADE Standard

Wait for Unsolicited Messages after Startup (ms)

Indicates how long this Driver must wait for unsolicited messages after connecting, to get recent events before performing an integrity request, or Class 0 (zero). This way, points with events get a quality of 192 and a correct timestamp, as in integrity responses objects do not have a timestamp

R/W Last TimeStamp Sync Files

With this option, the last timestamp of each Tag is saved to a file in pre-defined intervals, starting when a new event is received. When starting, this Driver tries to read this file to initialize timestamps and discard older events. The generated file can be copied among redundant stations. File name and extension can be changed by users, and its content is in ASCII format

Use Single Block Evt Read

By using this option, all events sent by a device are reported in a single Block Tag. This option is useful to concentrate all events and generate specific event logs, for example. NOTE: Users must create a Block Tag as described on topic Single Block Events to remove received events

Driver in Listen Mode

In this mode, this Driver does not send anything, but it may interpret responses, received from a communication sniffer between other Masters and a Slave

Accept Msgs After Timeout

Indicates whether this Driver must accept a response to a message requested after a time-out defined in the App Timeout (ms) option. The default value of this option is False to keep compatibility with previous versions

Accept Msgs Out of Sequence

Indicates whether this Driver must accept a response to a requested message if the application's sequence number is different from expected

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