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IEC 61859 standard series was published as Edition 1 between 2002 and 2004. As part of the maintenance process for the standard, technical issues, called TISSUES, were collected from the beginning in cooperation with the UCA international users group, which is a community for users of IEC 61850 standard. The collected TISSUES can be categorized in two groups:

TISSUES that can affect interoperability between implementations of the standard and need either corrections or clarifications (IntOp-type TISSUES)

TISSUES that propose new features to implement in future versions of the standard (Ed. 2-type TISSUES)


During the October 2006 meeting IEC TC57, the working group 10 decided that IntOp Tissues are mandatory for IEC 61850 edition 1 and Ed. 2 Tissues must not be implemented. The next topic contains an overview of all IntOp Tissues implemented.

This document declares the technical issues addressed for IEC 61850 Server Driver version 1.0 for E3 or Elipse Power.

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