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PIXIT for Server Model |
Y: Supported Service; N: Unsupported Service
ID |
Description |
Value |
Sr1 |
What analogue value (MX) quality bits are supported (can be set by server)? |
Good: Y; Invalid: Y; Reserved: N; Questionable: Y; Overflow: Y; OutofRange: Y; BadReference: N; Oscillatory: Y; Failure: Y; OldData: Y; Inconsistent: N; Inaccurate: Y; Process: N; Substituted: Y; Test: N; OperatorBlocked: N |
Sr2 |
Which Status Value (ST) quality bits are supported (can be set by server)? |
Good: Y; Invalid: Y; Reserved: N; Questionable: Y; Overflow: Y; OutofRange: Y; BadReference: N; Oscillatory: Y; Failure: Y; OldData: Y; Inconsistent: N; Inaccurate: Y; Process: N; Substituted: Y; Test: N; OperatorBlocked: N (please check text after this table for more information) |
Sr3 |
What is the maximum number of data values in one GetDataValues request? |
65000 |
Sr4 |
What is the maximum number of data values in one SetDataValues request? |
65000 |
Sr5 |
Which Mode or Behavior values are supported? |
On: N; Blocked: N; Test: N; Test or Blocked: N; Off: N |
Quality bits are received in the Quality property of each Tag variable. The Quality property follows OPC DA specification and contains a fixed byte mapping, QQSSSSLL, where QQ means mapped to good, invalid, reserved, and questionable bits in the order Good, Bad, Bad, and Uncertain OPC values, SSSS means maps all other bits, and LL means not mapped.
•Good,Process: Good non specific,192
•Good, Substituted: Local Override, 216
•Invalid, Overflow: Bad, non specific, 0
•Invalid, Out of Range: Bad, Config Error, 4
•Invalid, Bad Reference: Bad, Config Error, 4
•Invalid, Oscillatory: Bad, Sensor Failure, 16
•Invalid, Failure: Bad, Device Failure, 12
•Invalid, Old Data: Bad, Last Known Value, 20
•Invalid: Bad, non specific, 0
•Questionable, Out of Range or Bad reference or Oscillatory: Uncertain, Sensor not accurate = 80
•Questionable, Old Data: Uncertain, Last Usable Value = 68
•Questionable, Inaccurate or Inconsistent: Uncertain, Sensor not Accurate = 80
•Questionable, Overflow: Uncertain, EU Exceeded = 84
•Questionable: Uncertain, non specific = 64
Quality codes are carried together with their timestamp and value and can be configured as a Link to any object in E3 or Elipse Power.