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Executes an Operate action, in which the ActorID parameter is the user name. If omitted, it assumes Elipse Water Viewer's user logon, "Anonymous" if there is no user logged on, or "System" if that method's call started at the server. For this action to occur, some conditions are expected:

The Unit's parent Command must have its Enabled property set to True

There must be no pending command operating in the Command Unit, that is, the ActionInProgress property must be set to 0 (zero, None)

The OnOperate's event script must be defined in the type of configured command Conversion


If the command Conversion defines the Auto-select before Operate option, the Select operation is executed first, and if it works, then the Operate operation is performed. This method waits for a feedback value up to the specified limit time if all the following conditions are met:

The script was successfully executed

The script was not canceled

The feedback limit time of the Conversion is not 0 (zero)

The feedback Tag's path is not empty


If the feedback value is not used by the Tag inside the limit time or the Tag's path is invalid, but it is not empty, this command is considered as failed.



The feedback value is only considered if its quality is not bad. Whether this action fails or works, the OnOperateFinished event of the configured conversion is executed, if it was defined.

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