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AddType([Name], [Caption], [SortOrder], [Units], [Captions])

Adds an Analog Measurement Type object with the name informed in the Name parameter in the collection of Analog Measurement Types. If the informed name already exists in that collection or is omitted, it is auto-incremented. This name cannot start with the reserved character of an asterisk (*). Please check the general Name property for more information about the allowed characters on the names of objects. The Caption parameter informs a description for an Analog Measurement Type. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, configures the description as an empty String. The SortOrder parameter informs a viewing order for an Analog Measurement Type, used to sort Analog Measurements on lists. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, configures the viewing order with the value 1000. The Units and Captions parameters are optional and, if informed, they must be unidimensional arrays with the same size containing, respectively, the names and descriptions of the Units to add to the Analog Measurement Type. This method returns an Analog Measurement Type object if successful.

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