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Number This property defines the lowest value achieved by this I/O Tag in a device. This property is used to perform a scale adjustment of the value received from a device before setting it to the Value property. Likewise, the inverse operation is performed before sending that value to the I/O Driver, when writing. This conversion only occurs when the EnableScaling property is set to True. The default value of this property is 0 (zero). The next script contains an example of using this property.

Sub Tag_OnStartRunning()
  ' Adjusts the scale of temperature
  ' ranging from 0 to 255 at PLC, but it actually means
  ' 0 to 100 Celsius degrees
  EU = "Celsius degrees"
  EnableScaling = True
  DeviceHigh = 255
  DeviceLow = 0
  EUHigh = 100
  EULow = 0
End Sub



Bit values, the properties from Bit00 to Bit31, are not affected by adjustments in the scale, that is, they represent the bits from the value read by a device before conversion.

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