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Link This property returns an object that represents a collection of Fields created in a Storage and it is a read-only property. For more information about the collection returned by this property, please check topic Fields.



In applications created before Elipse Water version 5.0, the Fields property is a collection that supports the Item method to access the available Fields. Starting with version 5.0, this property also returns an object, and therefore the way to access Fields is different for both ways. The next example shows the correct way to use this property.

Applications saved in version 5.0 convert Storage objects from a collection format to an object and CANNOT be opened in previous versions anymore.


To access the collection of Storage Fields as a collection as well as an object, use the syntax described in the next example.

'This application contains an object called Storage1
'that contains a Field called Field1.
'To access this Field from a collection,
'use the following syntax:
Set collectionField = Application.GetObject("Storage1").Fields.Item("Field1")
'To access the same Field as an object,
'use the following syntax:
Set nativeField = Application.GetObject("Storage.Fields.Field1")

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