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CreateFolder(ProjectName, FolderName, [ParentFolder])

Creates a new Folder with the name defined by FolderName, inside the project file (.prj) ProjectName, whose parent object is indicated by ParentFolder. The following restrictions apply to this method:

The project file indicated by the ProjectName parameter must exist, and it must be opened in Elipse Water Studio

If the FolderName parameter is empty, then a default name is used to create the Folder. For example, "Folder1"

The maximum allowed size for the FolderName parameter is 32 characters

If the name indicated in the FolderName parameter already exists, then it is automatically incremented

The name of the Folder in FolderName must obey the same rules of Note's section of the RenameFolder method

The Folder indicated in the ParentFolder parameter must exist. If this parameter is omitted, the new Folder is then created at project file's root

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