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Enum Indicates the type of query to perform. Possible values for this property are the following:

-1 - qtUndefined: The Query object initially tries to execute the query on a Database object. If it fails, then it tries to execute the query on a Storage object. This is the default value for Queries created in Elipse Water Studio or at run time

0 - qtDBServer: The Query object tries to execute the query only on a Database object

1 - qtStorage: The Query object tries to execute the query only on a Storage object

2 - qtOpcUa: The Query object tries to execute the query only on an OPC UA Driver object



When manipulating Queries at run time, it is recommended to configure this property with the desired type before performing other settings on the object, specially when reusing a Query object for different data sources.

For applications created on previous versions, when opening the application in Elipse Water Studio this property is automatically configured to -1 - qtUndefined.

The AddStorageTag and RemoveStorageTag methods fail if this property is configured to 0 - qtDBServer.

The FunctionType property does not accept the value -1 - ftNoFunction if this property is configured to 1 - qtStorage.

The AddField, AddTable, and RemoveTable methods fail if this property is configured to 1 - qtStorage.

If this property is configured to -1 - qtUndefined, an attempt to execute the Query on a Storage object, after the Query fails on a Database object, fails if the FunctionType property is configured to -1 - ftNoFunction or if the FunctionSubType property is configured to an invalid value.

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