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GetADORecordset |
This method returns an ADO-type (ActiveX Data Object) Recordset as the result of executing the configured Query. The next script contains an example of using this method.
Sub Button1_Click()
Set rec = Screen.Item("Query1").GetADORecordset()
strDates = " "
i = 0
' Displays a message with the first 10 records
' of the E3TimeStamp column
While (NOT rec.EOF AND i < 10)
strDates = strDates & CStr(rec("E3TimeStamp")) & _
Chr(10) & Chr(13)
i = i + 1
MsgBox strDates
End Sub
For more information about the ADORecordset object returned by this method, please check article Recordset Object Properties, Methods and Events on Microsoft Learn. |