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Enum Defines an E2Button object's type. Possible values for this property are 0 - ButtonTypeKey: Standard button behavior (default), 1 - ButtonTypeSwitchH: This button's behavior is a switch horizontally divided, 2 - ButtonTypeSwitchV: This button's behavior is a switch vertically divided, 3 - ButtonTypeLeverH: This button's behavior is a lever that moves from left to right and vice versa, 4 - ButtonTypeLeverV: This button's behavior is a lever that moves from top to bottom and vice versa, 5 - ButtonTypeTransparent: This button is transparent, 6 - ButtonTypeUserBitmap: This button alternates pictures defined in the Bitmap0 and Bitmap1 properties, 7 - ButtonTypeCheckbox: This button's behavior is the same as a Check Box, or 8 - ButtonTypeRadio: This button's behavior is the same as a Radio Box.

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