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OnTagWrite(Tag, Succeeded, User)

Occurs when a writing is triggered on any OPC Driver's OPC Tag. For this event to occur, OPC Tag's EnableDriverEvent property must be enabled. If this writing is asynchronous, this event is triggered only when the OPC Server sends a response indicating whether that writing was successful or not.

Parameters of the OnTagWrite event




A reference to the OPC Tag object being written. For example, users may access an OPC Tag property using a Tag.DocString syntax


A Boolean value indicating success or failure when writing


Parameter that receives the user performing the writing operation. Default value of this parameter is "System". If there is no user logged in the Elipse Water Viewer generating this event, this parameter contains the value "Anonymous". If the writing is asynchronous or if there is a failure reported in an asynchronous way, this parameter always contains the value "System"

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