
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >>



Enum This property specifies a type of mouse pointer displayed when users move it over an object. Possible values for this property are described on the next table.

Available options for the MousePointer property



0 - fmMousePointerDefault

Default mouse pointer (this image is determined by the object)

1 - fmMousePointerArrow

Arrow-shaped mouse pointer

2 - fmMousePointerCross

Cross-shaped mouse pointer

3 - fmMousePointerIBeam

I-beam-shaped mouse pointer

6 - fmMousePointerSizeNESW

Double arrow pointing to North-East and South-West

7 - fmMousePointerSizeNS

Double arrow pointing to North and South

8 - fmMousePointerNWSE

Double arrow pointing to North-West and South-East

9 - fmMousePointerWE

Double arrow pointing to West and East

10 - fmMousePointerUpArrow

Arrow pointing up

11 - fmMousePointerHourglass


12 - fmMousePointerNoDrop

A Not symbol (a circle with a diagonal line) on the upper side of the dragged object (indicates and invalid drop destination)

13 - fmMousePointerAppStarting

Arrow with an hourglass

14 - fmMousePointerHelp

Arrow with a question mark

15 - fmMousePointerSizeAll

Resizes the whole mouse pointer (arrows pointing to North, South, East, and West)

99 - fmMousePointerCustom

Uses an icon specified by the MouseIcon property


Use this property to indicate a change in functionality as the mouse pointer hovers Screen objects. For example, an hourglass-shaped pointer (the 11 - fmMousePointerHourglass option) is useful to indicate that users must wait for a process or operation to finish. Some icons may vary, depending on system configuration, such as icons linked to desktop themes. The default value of this property is 0 - fmMousePointerDefault.

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