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Boolean This property allows enabling a Tag behavior in an ElipseX instance, that is, if an instance contains at least the Value, Quality, and Timestamp properties, the values of these properties are always propagated together. The default value of this property is False. When enabling this property, Elipse Water Studio checks if the ElipseX contains all mandatory properties, Value (of type Variant), Quality (of type Word), and Timestamp (of type Date). The next properties are optional and can also be created during the check process:

ActiveSource (active measurement source, of type PowerSourceType)

EU (engineering unit, of type String)

EULow (minimum value of the Value property, of type Double)

EUHigh (maximum value of the Value property, of type Double)



If any of the mandatory properties for this Tag behavior to work (Value, Quality, or Timestamp) is deleted, that prevents using the ElipseX at run time.

Likewise, changing the data type of those properties (mandatory or optional) to an incompatible data type also prevents using the ElipseX at run time.

Configuring this property to True enable the behavior of the ValueMode property.

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