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Boolean Enables or disables an object, that is, focus and response to user-generated events. If this property is set to True, an object can receive focus, respond to user-generated events, and it is accessible via scripts (default). Otherwise, users cannot interact with this object by using the mouse pointer, by pressing keys or shortcut keys, and this object appears faded. In addition, if an object displays a bitmap, that bitmap remains faded whenever this object is disabled.

This property and the Locked property, available in Check Box, Option Button, Combo, Command Button, List, Toggle Button, and Text objects, are interconnected. When this property and the Locked property are both configured as True, an object can receive focus and appear normally on Screen, and its data can be copied but not edited. When this property is equal to True, but the Locked property is equal to False, data can be copied and also edited. However, when this property is equal to False, an object does not receive focus and remains faded on Screen, regardless of the status of the Locked property. In addition, data cannot be copied nor edited.

Users can combine configurations of this property and the TabStop property to prevent users from selecting a Command Button with the TAB key, although users are still allowed to click that button. Defining the TabStop property as False means that a Command Button does not appear on the tab order. However, if this property is equal to True, users can still click that Command Button, as long as the TakeFocusOnClick property is defined as True.



Configuring this property in the Text, Display, and SetPoint object to False at run time cancels the current edition and discards the content of that object.

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