Updating the Scheduling Library

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Updating the Scheduling Library

To update the Scheduling Library to version 3.0 and use version 2.5 of the HighPerformance Template Library, it is recommended to use version 6.7 of Elipse E3 or Elipse Water and perform the next steps.

1.Copy and paste the next files on the application folder.

Scheduling.lib on folder Scheduling\Libraries

Libraries.e3pkg on folder HighPerformance\Libraries

Plantmodel.e3pkg on folder HighPerformance\Libraries

Dictionary.csv on folder HighPerformance\Dictionaries


2.In Studio, open the Domain of the application to update and, in Organizer's Explorer mode, remove the next files from the Domain.

















To remove files from a Domain, right-click the file, select the Close option, and then select the Remove from Domain option.

If the path of the file Scheduling.lib changed, remove the old version of that file from the Domain and then add the new version.


If possible, replace project files hpMain.prj and Scheduling.prj too. If these files cannot be replaced, execute the next steps, according to the project.


Scheduling Project

1.Open the file Scheduling.prj from Scheduling Library's new version, available on folder Scheduling\Projects, but do not add this file to the current Domain.

2.Replace all project's Screens from Scheduling Library's old version by the Screens from the new project.

3.Add folder SchedulingDataGroup to the old project's root.


SchedulingLibCheck Project

1.Open the file Scheduling.prj from Scheduling Library's new version, available on folder Scheduling\Projects, and add this file to the current Domain.


hpMain Project

1.Open the file hpMain.prj from HighPerformance Template Library's new version, available on folder HighPerformance\Projects, but do not add this file to the current Domain.

2.Copy folder Scheduling to Organizer's View - Viewer and Frames - Viewer item.

3.Copy object hpXML_MenuTreeView and hpXML_SchedulesGroup from folder Server Objects - Data Objects - hpObjects - XML to the folder with the same name on the project.


The next procedures are needed to update the HighPerformance Template Library, due to updates to translation features.

1.Open the file hpMain.prj from the new version of the HighPerformance Template Library, available on folder HighPerformance\Projects, but do not add this file to the current Domain.

2.Copy folder hpCompatibility from HighPerformance Template Library's new version to the same project of the old version, hpMain.prj.

3.Copy all Tags from folder View - Viewer - Viewer and Frames - hpControls - Translator of the new version to the same folder on the old version.



Users can also remove the old Translator folder and replace it by the same folder from the new version.


4.Right-click the hpTranslatorController1 object, available on Server Objects - Data Objects - hpObjects - Translator and select the Configure option to load the new translations from the HighPerformance Template Library.

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