Customizing Parameter Properties

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Customizing Parameter Properties

The xcConfigProperties object from the scrAddProperties Screen allows changing or adjusting the list of properties on the Properties combo box, which represents a list of properties with changes in the Scheduling item, according to the next figure.

Properties window

Properties window

To configure this object, use the properties described on the next table.

Properties of the xcConfigProperties object




List containing all properties available for user-created objects, separated by semicolons


List containing all properties available for the xfParameter object of Plant Model Library, separated by semicolons


List containing all properties available for the SetPointCommandUnit object of Elipse Water, separated by semicolons



To display a friendly name instead of a property's name, use a colon (:) character as separator, in the format Property:FriendlyName.

Elipse Power does not compose the list of parameters because it does not contain configuration objects referring to Setpoint Commands or Parameters.

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